Having a reactive dog is super stressful and so bloody embarrassing!
Their barking and lunging is difficult to control and maybe your worried that your dog's 'aggression' will get you reported and your dog will be labelled a 'dangerous dog'.
You might also be worried what other people think about you too.
You know you need to train them to behave better but it's hard to get them to listen to you when they're barking at other dogs.
It's like they 'zone out' and no matter what treats you try to use or how much you try to drag them away, your dog is NOT paying any attention to you!
So how are you meant to train your dog to 'get used to' other dogs when they won't listen to you in the first place?
That's exactly what we do so you're in the right place!
With Dogs Made Easier, you’ll discover:
Life with a reactive dog is hard enough so turning training into a game to play with your dog makes it easier to remember and builds your dog's trust so you're working WITH your dog.
It takes the pressure off trying to stop your dog reacting so there is less stress for you both.
Start your journey to a life without dog reactivity!
Imagine what life without your dog's reactivity could look like for you and your dog?
> Meeting other dog-people and going for dog walks together!
> Going to new places and not worrying how your dog will behave that day!
> Maybe you just want your dog to have some doggie-friends to chill out with or have play-dates with!
> Actually ENJOYING a walk together without the constant worry of whether other dogs are around!
The relief from your dog's reactivity is possible! So lets get started!
"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur eu hendrerit ipsum, id scelerisque nisi. Aliquam porta sem sed sem mollis ultrices. Vivamus lacinia velit vel mi lobortis ultricies."
Billy & Reggie
The 3 cornerstones to the Dogs Made Easier philosophy:
When we want to change our dogs behaviour, we need to understand why they are doing the things that they are doing. We need to look at the ‘cause’ not just the symptom! Once we start to get an understanding of the feelings and emotions that our dogs are showing us, we are much better placed to help them.
But how do we know? Accepting that we humans communicate completely differently to our dogs sounds like common sense. After all our dogs can’t speak and tell us what’s going on for them. So it’s upto us to learn their language; canine body language. We are the most intelligent species, apparently! Learning how to interpret the obvious and subtle changes in your dog’s body language can completely change how you live with and train your dog.
Connection. Relationship. Bond. Whatever we call it, it’s that special unique feeling we all want with our dog. It’s probably the reason you got a dog in the first place. Deep down it’s often the thing we long for the most when we feel annoyed, embarrassed or stressed with their behaviour because it’s when we may not like our dog very much. Seeing life with our dog as a relationship helps make the journey back to connection easier.
By understanding what’s going on for your dog, learning to read and ‘speak’ to your dog, you’ll be able to help them learn new ways to behave and your whole life with your dog will change. I want you to have the best bond possible, the one you’ve always dreamed of so let's get started today!
Reactivity is a label given to a series of behaviours that can be classed as an overreactions to a normal, mundane, everyday situation. Reactivity isn't a fixed behaviour trait, which means we can teach our dogs to react differently.
Reactivity can happen for a number of different reasons. But usually I found that it is associated with a fear response and/or a heightened level of frustration when our dogs are unsure how to handle, cope with or act in a particular situation. They can only show how they are feeling through their behaviour.
When we see Reactivity as an overreaction to a particular situation, we can help our dogs learn more appropriate ways to react in those situations. It is a process which starts by understanding that your dog has emotions including feeling fearful, and addressing the underlying causes by building up their abilities and confidence with a simple and specific training plan to teach them how to respond in a calmer way.
This is very dependent on your dog, what they can cope with and how dedicated you are to following the steps involved. I always advise to go at your dog's pace even if you want a quick result. Resolving Reactivity is seldom a quick fix, and there is no 'magic word' or secret tactic. Instead it's about building a long-term, sustainable solution so you have a calmer dog and an easier, long life together.
Yes! The Dogs Made Easier approach helps you understand what's going on for your dog and why they're behaving the way they are. So you can learn to recognise what's triggering their behaviour, what measures and training you can take to put in place
I totally get it! Trying to find training that actually works can be a minefield. I've designed the Dogs Made Easier approach from the exact same framework I've been using for years to help hundreds of dogs learn to cope and relax so that they become calmer and less reactive. By addressing the underlying causes of your dog's unwanted behaviour, which is often missing from traditional obedience training, you'll discover there are some simple changes and shifts you can make in your dog's day to day life. Doing this alongside our simple 'Spot The Dog' training game that's designed specifically to teach your dog to be less reactive is what makes this approach different and successful.
Yes! It may take a bit longer because they've been practising the behaviour for longer so it's more like a habit now. But that doesn't mean that you can't change it. When we change what we're doing with them, they will change along with us.
Traditional obedience training doesn't often cover how to change behaviour. These are actually different training models. Traditional obedience training is very 'task-based', which shows you how to follow particular steps to get a predetermined outcome (eg how to get your dog to sit on cue). At Dogs Made Easier our approach is based on Behaviour Modification which de-codes your dog's unwanted behaviour and understand what's causing it so you can support your dog to respond differently and develop their confidence.
Dogs Made Easier is a dedicated to using kind and rewarding teaching and training methods. It is based on working in partnership with your dog using positive reinforcement. It's NOT what I call 'Command and Control training' which is an older and less effective style of training which you give your dog a command expect to be obeyed, and then physically force or control your dog to make them do the thing you're asked. Working in partnership is opposite to this and teaches you to understand your dog, their reactions and how they are communicating with you. All good relationships are based on this. Learning to work in partnership with your dog makes teaching them easier and you'll find your dog is responding to you much better too. Our job is to build trust with our dogs and this is best achieved when we accept the dog for who they are as an individual and support them when they're struggling to cope. This is the foundation Dogs Made Easier.